Author Topic: Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs  (Read 44 times)


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Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:40:46 am »
"Apple changed the world with the Mac and hasn't stopped innovating since," says the billionaire founder of in his endorsement of Carmine Gallo's new book, The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. According to Benioff, "Gallo gives you the tools to unleash your inner Steve."

Benioff isn't the only entrepreneur who praises Gallo's book. Tony Hsieh, the CEO of, says, Innovation Secrets is "an inspiring roadmap for anyone who wants to live a life of passion and purpose."

In its first full week of publication, The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs has topped several Amazon categories including leadership, motivation and creativity. In it, Carmine Gallo, reveals the 7 principles behind Steve Jobs' breakthrough success; principles that anyone can use to rethink their business, reinvent their products, and revitalize the brands, the Steve Jobs way.

"Thomas Friedman wrote a column earlier this year in the New York Times where he said that America needs more jobs--Steve Jobs. He meant that innovation and creativity must be nurtured and encouraged for America to recover the grip of a global recession," says Gallo. "Remember that when Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 after being fired twelve years earlier, Apple was close to bankruptcy. Jobs streamlined the number of products Apple offered and put the focus back on his core customers. Apple survived, thrived and Jobs went on to become of the most iconic figures of the business world. He's been leaving clues to his success every since."

By following Steve Jobs' visionary example, readers will discover exciting new ways to unlock their creative potential. Gallo follows each of the seven principles with chapters featuring other entrepreneurs, small business owners, and business leaders who apply the Apple ethos to achieve breakthrough success.

"Here are the 7 innovation secrets of Steve Jobs

Do what you love. You cannot create exciting new products or methods unless you are passionate about driving society forward.

Put a dent in the universe. Passion fuels the rocket, but vision points the rocket to its ultimate destination.

Kick-start your brain. Creativity is connecting things. Innovators bombard the brain with new and novel experiences.

Sell dreams, not products. Your customers don't care about your brand. They care about themselves. Help them fulfill their dreams and you'll win them over.

Say no to 1,000 things. Steve Jobs is just as proud of what Apple doesn't do as he is about what they do.

Create insanely great experiences. The Apple Stores are in the business of enriching lives, not moving units. Start enriching lives and watch your sales soar.

Master the message. You can have the greatest idea in the world, but it will never turn into a true innovation if nobody understands it."

Carmine Gallo has devoured every word of Steve Jobs' public (and sometimes private) comments as well as personally interviewing former Apple employees, analysts, and business leaders who have been inspired by Steve Jobs to "think differently." Consider The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs your blueprint for success.

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